PLN #23 – Amazonian Cities: Peer learning about the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems
Amazonian Cities: Peer learning about the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems

Organizing partners

Latin American Federation of Cities, Municipalities and National Associations of Local Governments (FLACMA)
Association of Municipalities of Bolivia (AMB)
United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG)
International Labor Organization (OIT), Andalusian Municipalities Fund for International Solidarity (FAMSI)

Hosting city

Riberalta, Bolivia

Good practices

  • Green economy approach to ensure sustainable development in the Amazonian regions
  • The establishment of a network of multi-level governance which will enable integrated sustainable development policies
  • Roadmap of actions for Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, and globally to facilitate the progress in the construction of the long term vision for sustainable and integrated development of Amazonia
  • Case studies:
    • Florencia, Colombia: Prevention of teenage pregnancies through innovative education
    • Riberalta, Bolivia: Value-added chain of the Brazil nut
    • Beni, Bolivia: Santa Rosa Youth Project
    • Morona Santiago Province, Ecuador: Green bonds to reduce or halt mining and petroleum activities
    • Consejo Interregional Amazónico (CIAM), Peru: Promotion and reinforcement of local production
    • Terrassa, Spain: Strategic planning through metropolitan city networks