UCLG App “The SDGs: What Local Governments Need to Know”

The SDGs app (and website), developed by UCLG, helps you discover how each one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals is directly related to the daily work of local and regional governments. With an interactive format, it allows you to easily navigate through the different goals and targets, understanding why local governments should not simply be viewed as the implementing bodies of Agenda 2030, but indeed as important policy-makers and catalysts for change best positioned to link the global goals to local communities.


Estrategia de prevención social de la violencia – PAZOS

Este recurso de aprendizaje tiene como objetivo principal documentar la estrategia PAZOS: Paz y Oportunidades, implementada en la ciudad de Palmira, Colombia. La estrategia aborda la complejidad de la violencia urbana y la construcción de paz con un enfoque integral...

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