Learning Forum
Learning within UCLG
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Contributing to our Future – The Learning Marketplace
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Towards a Future for People
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Towards a Future for Government
Inspiring Local Action – The Learning Arcade
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Actions for Social Resilience
The Doughnut Economics game
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Beyond the Timeline
Preparation, Response, & Recovery
Maximizing the impact of Peer Learning
Key inputs from UCLG’s Learning Forum at the 2022 World Congress in Daejeon
Lifelong learning and
the local public officer:
Critical reflections
The value of tracking
the impact of
peer learning
The art of documenting and communicating practices
The power of gamification:
Designing and using learning games
Emilia Saiz
Secretary General of UCLG
Solidarity is in the DNA of our global movement. But collaboration cannot be done without a clear purpose. That purpose for us is improving the lives of people. And to improve, we need to learn.
Sara Hoeflich
Learning Director, UCLG
Learning is the way we try to engage with the problems our members face, what they feel as a need, and from there try to build capacity.
Bernadia Irawati
Secretary General of UCLG-ASPAC
The spirit of solidarity, the spirit of respect, are a very important component of learning, especially in international cooperation.
Harold Jarche
Expert on Management and Education
Encouraging informal and opportunity driven cooperation is a significant shift in how we need to approach workplace learning in a world based on knowledge networks.