PLN #21 – Vital Neighborhoods in Metropolitan Cities: Power of Urban Transformation through Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE)
Vital Neighborhoods in Metropolitan Cities: Power of Urban Transformation through Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE)

Organizing partners

Global Social Economy Forum (GSEF)
International Centre for Innovation Knowledge Transfer on the Social and Solidarity Economy (CITIES)
South African Cities Network (SACN)
UCLG Learning

Hosting city

Montreal, Canada

Good practices

  • Technopole Angus, Montreal: urban renewal through sustainable development, revitalization with employment, and social commitment led to local mobilization, good partnership among stakeholders, and financial support from governments.
  • Seoul – SSE special districts: local governments involvement with legal frameworks, governance building, and financial support for communities to identify local needs and organize their ecosystem of alternative social economy. 
  • Johannesburg: urban regeneration initiative managed by state, private, and civil society actors which were inclusive of the poor by being flexible towards informal and subletting activities. 
  • Barcelona: SSE policies reveal citizen’s importance to drive the process and co-produce policies that guarantee citizen control, community based actions, and cooperation through networks.