PLN #24 – Local and Regional Disaster Risk Reduction: Peer Learning about localization of the Sendai Framework for disaster risk reduction 2015-2030
Local and Regional Disaster Risk Reduction: Peer Learning about localization of the Sendai Framework for disaster risk reduction 2015-2030

Organizing partners

Guangzhou Award
Connective Cities
City of Surabaya
UCLG Taskforce for Territorial Prevention and Management of Crises

Hosting city

Surabaya, Indonesia

Good practices

  • Case studies:
    • Bochum – Municipal administration and management of extraordinary cases of crises
    • Bogor: Municipal disaster management agency
    • Christchurch: Building community leadership capacity for DRR
    • Sao Paolo:Coordination of protection and civil defense
    • Tokyo: Measures addressing stranded people in emergency situations
    • Albay: Zero Casualty strategy 
  • City to city cooperation and capacity building to increase resilience at local level
  • Organization of local public administrations and their efforts in legislative and educational measures are crucial to make their territory more resilient.