Localizing the SDGs: UCLG-Africa Perspectives on Decentralized Cooperation

Findings of the implementation of Learning Module 4: Localizing the SDG through Decentralized Cooperation in the Africa region

With less than eight years to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the important contribution of Local and Regional Governments (LRGs) becomes increasingly timely and significant. At the same time, the trend of cities and regions to look to their peers for networking, knowledge and support, as they grapple with responding to a set of complex urban and local challenges, has also come into the global policy spotlight. It is not surprising therefore, that the critical role of decentralized cooperation (DC) in implementing and localizing the SDGs warrants serious attention. In this regard, the regional sections of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) have over the years embarked on unique journeys supporting the LRGs to implement and localize the Global Agenda through DC. These journeys, although largely undocumented and without diaries, have contributed significantly to the local governments and municipal movement.

In this report, we share key lessons learnt from the practices and perspectives that came up during the rollout of UCLG’s Learning Module 4 “Localizing the SDGs through Decentralized Cooperation” in the Africa, implemented through a partnership between UCLG Learning, Platforma, UCLG-Africa and ALGA.

Check out also the Summary Report of Regionals Perspectives on Decentralized Cooperation, available in English, Spanish, and French.


Estrategia de prevención social de la violencia – PAZOS

Este recurso de aprendizaje tiene como objetivo principal documentar la estrategia PAZOS: Paz y Oportunidades, implementada en la ciudad de Palmira, Colombia. La estrategia aborda la complejidad de la violencia urbana y la construcción de paz con un enfoque integral...

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